Oct 5, 2015

Steve Elmasian, Varoujan Karentz Chosen ‘Olympic Kings’
By Harry Derderian What a pair ! Varoujan Karentz has been an AYFer in fact and spirit sin

Oct 5, 2015

2015 AYF Olympics: Softball
The Saturday Softball games have become quite popular at the AYF Olympics. It is the only

Oct 2, 2015

HDP Election Platform Promises Armenian Genocide Recognition
Party’s Election Platform Comes amid Ongoing Violence and Arrests in Turkey The pro-Kurd

Oct 2, 2015

The American University of Armenia: A Home Away from Home
An Interview with AUA President Armen Der Kiureghian The American University of Armenia (

Oct 2, 2015

Pope Receives Warm Welcome by East Coast Armenian Communities
WASHINGTON—Armenian-American communities in Washington, DC, New York, and Philadelphia w

Oct 2, 2015

2015 AYF Olympics: Providence Edges Out Boston in Swimming
By Bob Tutunjian At the Friday evening swim meet, Providence was only one point ahead of G

Oct 2, 2015

2015 AYF Olympics: Memorable Opening Ceremonies
As far as I can remember there have been Opening Ceremonies at the Sunday Games of the AYF

Oct 1, 2015

Akcam: Lemkin and the Question of Armenian and Kurdish Reforms
The following article is adapted from a keynote address delivered by Clark University Pro

Oct 1, 2015

It Is Time to Confront Aliyev’s Aggression
By Nora Hovsepian, Esq., and Steve Mesrobian Ilham Aliyev (Photo: president.az) Azerbaijan

Oct 1, 2015

ARF, ANCA Representatives Meet with Sarkisian in DC
WASHINGTON—A delegation of representatives of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF