The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region’s (ANCA-WR) Education Committee announced on Feb. 7 the honorees of the 2017 Armenian Genocide Education Award.
GLENDALE—The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region’s (ANCA-WR) Education Committee announced on February 7 the honorees of the 2017 Armenian Genocide Education Award. A diverse group of public school educators, the honorees, have shown exemplary use of technology, art, music, and/or theater in their lesson plans, while also empowering their students to apply in depth research on the specific topics within the context of the Armenian Genocide.
These extraordinary educators will be recognized on February 25, 2017, 11am at the ANCA-WR Armenian Genocide Education Luncheon, at Dream Palace Banquet Hall in Glendale California.
“The ANCA-WR Education Committee was pleased with the overwhelming response to our request for nominations for this award. It is obvious many talented and dedicated educators see the importance of teaching the Armenian Genocide. We are convinced this award program will lead us to finding more outstanding educators in the years ahead. I would like to encourage every Armenian, who is the child, grandchild, or great grandchild of a Genocide survivor to attend the luncheon. It is time we thank those who teach our history,” noted Alice Petrossian, ANCA-WR Education Committee Chair.
The committee received countless nominations for educators across California, who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to teach about the Armenian genocide in the context of crimes against humanity within their classrooms.
The following 17 educators were selected to receive the Armenian Genocide Education Award:
Alicia Harris, Crescenta Valley High School
Brad de la Garza, Toll Middle School
Brent Beerman, Crescenta Valley High School
Christina Fahad, Burbank High School
Erin Perusse, El Camino High School
Frank Perez, San Benito High School
Gabor Kincses, San Fernando High School
Genely Chan, Pasadena High School
Grace Sheldon-Williams, Glendale High School
Heidi Suburu, Endeavour Elementary School
Kathi Chaplar Beerman, Crescenta Valley High School
Ken Rice, John Muir Middle School
Kevin Henry, Verdugo Hills High School
Mary Janzen, Emma Duncan Polytechnical High School
Mayte Hernandez, Pasadena High School
Peter Paccone, San Marino High School
William Jenkins, Pasadena High School
The committee plans to announce additional honorees in the coming week.
“Resources to help teach about the Armenian Genocide in public schools are not always readily available or offered by school districts for our teachers. We are proud to honor these model educators who took the initiative to obtain the resources and ensure that this significant part of both world and American history is passed on to the future generations,” said Elen Asatryan, ANCA-WR Executive Director. “The role of these educators is ever so important today as we forge ahead to continue our work with the CA Department of Education to incorporate the Armenian Genocide in textbooks,” added Asatryan.
The Armenian Genocide Education Awards Luncheon is open to all who want to show their appreciation, celebrate and honor educators for their dedication to teaching about the Armenian Genocide. Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available online at ANCAWR.org/luncheonrsvp.
For additional information, visit ANCAWR.org/luncheon or call (818) 500-1918.
The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.
Source: Asbarez
Link: 17 Educators to be Honored with Armenian Genocide Education Award