2017 Armenian Youth Federation Senior Olympic Games, Hosted by the AYF-YOARF Racine “Armen Garo” Chapter, to Take Place in Downtown Milwaukee
That’s right! This year’s Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) Olympic Games are here in Downtown Milwaukee and hosted once again by the AYF-YOARF Racine “Armen Garo” chapter, Aug. 31-Sept 4.

This year’s Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) Olympic Games are here in Downtown Milwaukee and hosted once again by the AYF-YOARF Racine “Armen Garo” chapter, Aug. 31-Sept 4.
Many who attended in 2006 remarked that the first Downtown Milwaukee Olympics was one of the best Olympics ever, and now everyone else can find out why. Affordable, hospitable, walkable, diverse, unique and cultural are just a few of the adjectives to describe the 2017 AYF Olympics in Downtown Milwaukee and over the next weeks and months we’ll fill you in on all of the details in our official AYF Olympic column in the Armenian Weekly.
How affordable? Try $120/night (plus tax) to stay at the Hyatt Regency Milwaukee located in the heart of Downtown Milwaukee. Go to http://resweb.passkey.com/go/AYF2017 or call 1-888-421-1442 to make your reservation today!
Hospitable? Less is truly more, as one of the Eastern Region’s smallest chapter’s and communities takes nothing for granted and accomplishes just as much as our region’s largest chapter’s and communities.
Walkable? One block away is the Milwaukee River, the famous Riverwalk and 15 restaurants, walk a second block and the number of restaurants increases to 40 and you’ll reach the Shops of Grand Avenue.
Diverse? A rich ethnic history starting with the original Native Americans, followed by early French missionaries and fur traders, 19th century German and other European immigrants, 20th century migration of African-Americans from the south, and today’s growing Latino population.
Unique? Learn (and taste) about the true meaning of Midwest Comfort Food, a necessity for getting through our brutal Wisconsin winters.
Cultural? There are five major museums within a mile of the Hyatt, including the Milwaukee Public Museum, Betty Brinn Children’s Museum, Milwaukee Art Museum, Discovery World science museum and brand new Harley Davidson Motorcycle Museum.
All of this, plus the usual schedule of Olympic events starting with the Thursday night welcoming party, two blocks away from the Hyatt at the Ale Asylum Riverhouse.
All of the evening dances will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Milwaukee. Friday night has two dances for the price of one as the Alumni Reception and AYF Dance are combined with music performed by Chicago’s own Hye Vibes followed by the reigning AYF band Yerakouyn.
The Saturday Night Spectacular continues from last year with music once again performed by Kevork Artinian and Friends and Sunday’s Grand Ball will include the Olympic Awards Ceremony and music performed by Michael Gostanian and the Philadelphia All Stars featuring David Hoplamazian, Aram Hovagimian, Antranig Kzirian, Jim Kzirian, Chris Vosbikian, and Steve Vosbikian.
As for the athletic events, swimming, softball, and track and field will once again be held at South Milwaukee High School, a mere 20 minute drive from the Hyatt. Tennis players will once again play in front of a beautiful view of Lake Michigan at the McKinley Park tennis courts, while Alumni and AYF golfers will hit the links and enjoy a picnic lunch buffet at the championship level Oakwood Park Golf Course in nearby Franklin.
Ad book ads, hye passes, and Alumni Golf registrations will be available for purchase soon, so stay tuned to this column or go to www.ayfolympics.org, https://www.facebook.com/AYFOlympics/, or https://twitter.com/ayfolympics.
«Ո՞ւր է, Հոս է…»
(“Oor eh? Hos eh!)
Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: 2017 AYF Olympics: ‘Oor eh? Hos eh!”