Launched in 2003, the ANCA Hovig Apo Saghdejian Capital Gateway Program (CGP) helps secure permanent employment and professional internships for young Armenian American professionals in Washington, DC. Through the years, the ANCA has developed many relationships in and around Capitol Hill and identified a wide range of opportunities in the Washington, DC area.
The CGP utilizes these resources and contacts to help candidates identify and secure jobs that fit their interests and needs. To understand how you m ight best utilize the CGP, please read the four options outlined below. The Program is named after Hovig Apo Saghdejian, a beloved young community leader who lost his life in a tragic car accident and whose eternal memory continues to inspire new generations of Armenian Americans.
The ANCA Hovig Apo Saghdejian Capital Gateway Program includes:
Career Services
The CGP provides a professional platform for young Armenian Americans to explore public policy career opportunities in Washington, DC. The Program has been structured into two sessions per year – Winter Session (January) and Fall Session (September). CGP Fellows are offered three months of free housing at the ANCA Martha Aramian Armenian Cultural Center. A series of Enrichment Seminars on resumes, cover letters, networking, interviewing, professionalism, and “How to DC” is organized by the Capital Gateway Program Advisory Committee (CGPAC). Each Fellow partners with a mentor, who provides individualized job search guidance. The Program is designed for recent graduates serious about pursuing a career in public policy and committed to the hard work of securing their first professional position.
The ANCA accepts interns at the ANCA office in Washington, DC throughout the year. Those interested in applying for a summer internship must complete the ANCA Leo Sarkisian Internship application and apply through the ANCA Eastern Region or the ANCA Western Region office. All others must complete the CGP application and should plan on interning in Washington, DC for a minimum of 8 weeks. The ANCA will be happy to work with interns to secure college credit for their internship.
The externship program is for college students seeking temporary positions on Capitol Hill. The extern would be assisted in finding a position on Capitol Hill and would be expected to spend designated hours volunteering at the ANCA office during their stay in Washington.
University Programs
The ANCA encourages students who attend universities that offer Semester-In-Washington programs to take advantage of these opportunities. The ANCA will assist students interested in participating in these programs by finding an internship on Capitol Hill that will fulfill their program’s requirements.
To learn more about the ANCA Hovig Apo Saghdejian Capital Gateway Program, read the brochure and apply today.
For more information, please contact CGP Director Raffi Karakashian at (202) 775-1918 or