Glendale Unified School Board member Greg Krikorian speaks at the 15th annual Armenian Genocide Commemoration at Glendale High on April 20, 2016. (Photo: Tim Berger/Glendale News-Press)
LA CRESCENTA, Calif. (Crescenta Vally Weekly)—Greg Krikorian announced that he will be seeking another term on the Glendale Unified School District Board of Education.
Krikorian has been on the board for 16 years and has “weathered many storms” he said.
The April election will be the first time candidates will be elected from specific districts. In May 2016, the GUSD board voted to change the at-large method of elections to by-area. The trustee area map includes five districts; Krikorian lives within the “B” section of the map. The board of education seats are staggered; therefore, those in the B, C, and D map areas will hold their first elections in 2017, and areas A and E will hold their elections in 2019.
Krikorian has five children and all have either gone through GUSD or are in the process of going through the school district.
“We have a great district,” Krikorian said. “We have been blessed to go through this [district] but there are still many challenges…and a lot of work to do.”
Not long after he started on the board Krikorian began working on new ideas, which included relaunching the Glendale Education Foundation and reaching out to the community through the State of the Schools Breakfast. He has worked closely with the Crescenta Valley Town Council to set up regular meetings among those in the Foothills community including La Crescenta, La Cañada and Glendale.
“Even though we are now moving to [by-area method of representation] I will continue to serve the entire district,” he added.
Krikorian said it is a critical time in education as there are many challenges and unknown paths in the future. There is the issue of territory transfer between La Cañada and Glendale districts, charter schools that are challenging public schools and financial issues are just a few items facing the district.
Krikorian has recently been appointed to the California School Board Association.
“This gives our region an additional voice,” he said.
Krikorian began his career when Chakib Sambar was on the board. He said he learned a lot from him and made him a promise to continue to keep the CV area in district conversations. He added he plans on keeping that promise even though the mapped area of his specific region does not include CV.
Candidates do not officially register for the 2017 election until January but for Krikorian it is a matter of service and he is not done working for the children of GUSD.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Greg Krikorian Announces Reelection Bid for Glendale Unified School Board