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GLENDALE—June Musurlian, a sixth grade student at the Wilson Middle School won the Glendale Unified School District spelling bee last month for the third consecutive year.
She capped off her winning streak from the previous two year competing in the district-wide elementary spelling bee to advance to the middle school competition.
The winning words that catapulted Musurlian to the win were fibranne and cynosure.
GUSD has been hosting middle school spelling bees since 1977.
Musurlian is now off to the Scripps Regional Bee, in North Hollywood, on March 12 and to Downey, for the Los Angeles County Bee on March 29.
Asbarez will post the definitions to the winning words tomorrow, but invites its readers to guess in the comments section.
Source: Asbarez
Link: June Musurlian Wins 3rd Consecutive District-Wide Spelling Bee