Twenty-Seven New U.S. Representatives Co-Sponsor Armenian Genocide Resolution

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Bipartisan Legislation Aims to Apply Lessons of the Armenian Genocide in Preventing New Atrocities across the Middle East

WASHINGTON—Twenty-seven U.S. Representatives—from more than a dozen  states—have recently joined H.Res.220 as cosponsors in a new wave of bipartisan backing for genocide prevention legislation that seeks to apply the lessons of the Armenian Genocide in preventing renewed atrocities across the Middle East, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

The eternal flame at the Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan (Photo: Rupen Janbazian)

These most recent additions come in large part as a result of the leadership of Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Congresswoman Jackie Speier and in the wake of more than 80 Congressional meetings—held in district offices across America this past summer—organized by the ANCA Eastern and Western regional offices, dozens of local ANCA chapters, and hundreds of community activists.

“We would like to thank Congresswoman Jackie Speier for her exceptional outreach to her Congressional colleagues in support of H.Res.220, and, of course, to recognize the remarkable work of local ANCA chapters and activists this summer to educate their legislators about this bipartisan genocide prevention legislation,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “We would like, as well, to express our special appreciation to the measure’s lead authors, Representatives David Trott and Adam Schiff, and all those—both on and off Capitol Hill—working to ensure that the lessons of the U.S. response to the Armenian Genocide inform and improve our present-day U.S. genocide prevention policy.”

Recent additions to the list of H.Res.220 cosponsors include the following Representatives:

Bass, Karen (D-Calif.-37)
Capuano, Michael E. (D-Mass.-7)
Conyers, John, Jr. (D-Mich.-13)
Courtney, Joe (D-Conn.-2)
Doggett, Lloyd (D-Tex.-35)
Gabbard, Tulsi (D-Hawaii-2)
Hanabusa, Colleen (D-Hawaii-1)
Kaptur, Marcy (D-Ohio-9)
Kennedy, Joseph P., III (D-Mass.-4)
Khanna, Ro (D-Calif.-17)
Kihuen, Ruben J. (D-Nev.-4)
Krishnamoorthi, Raja (D-Ill.-8)
Lee, Barbara (D-Calif.-13)
Lewis, John (D-Ga.-5)
Lowenthal, Alan S. (D-Calif.-47)
Maloney, Carolyn B. (D-N.Y.-12)
Moolenaar, John R. (R-Mich.-4)
Nadler, Jerrold (D-N.Y.-10)
Neal, Richard E. (D-Mass.-1)
Nolan, Richard M. (D-Minn.-8)
Perlmutter, Ed (D-Colo.-7)
Rice, Kathleen M. (D-N.Y.-4)
Roybal-Allard, Lucille (D-Calif.-40)
Schakowsky, Janice D. (D-Ill.-9)
Soto, Darren (D-Fla.-9)
Suozzi, Thomas R. (D-N.Y.-3)
Tonko, Paul (D-N.Y.-20)

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Twenty-Seven New U.S. Representatives Co-Sponsor Armenian Genocide Resolution