Take Action: Demand an End to U.S. Complicity in Turkey’s Denial of the Armenian Genocide

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Support the Passage of H.Res.220 and S.Res.136

WASHINGTON—As the world watches the documentary “Architects of Denial” and learns of the brutal effects of the Armenian Genocide on society today, it’s more important than ever that we encourage both the U.S. Senate and House to reject Turkey’s gag-rule against honest American commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.

Support the passage of H.Res.220 and S.Res.136 today (Photo: ANCA)

With one click, you can send separate letters to your two U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative.

Your letters will encourage support for the adoption of bipartisan legislation dealing with the Armenian Genocide: H.Res.220, a genocide prevention resolution in the U.S. House that seeks to apply the lessons of the Armenian Genocide to prevent modern-day atrocities across the Middle East; and S.Res.136, a Senate resolution that seeks to ensure that U.S. foreign policy “reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity” regarding the Armenian Genocide.

Simply visit http://www.marchtojustice.org/issues/prevent-genocide, type in your name, mailing address, email address, and phone number, and click “Load Messages.” You can personalize the sample letters provided or just click “Send Message.”

The post Take Action: Demand an End to U.S. Complicity in Turkey’s Denial of the Armenian Genocide appeared first on The Armenian Weekly.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Take Action: Demand an End to U.S. Complicity in Turkey’s Denial of the Armenian Genocide