President Armen Sarkissian (left) meets with ARF Bureau member Spartak Seyranyan
YEREVAN—President Armen Sarkissian on Wednesday met with Spartak Seyranian, a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Bureau, as well as the party’s parliamentary faction, to discuss the current impasse surrounding snap parliamentary elections, which Prime Minister NKol Pashinyan wants to hold in December.
The two discussed the domestic issues in Armenia, among them snap parliamentary elections. While the ARF has not opposed snap parliamentary elections, the party’s leaders have voiced concerns about the viability of having the vote in December given the need for electoral code reforms, which the party leaders say cannot be enacted in such a short time.
During the conversation, Sarkissian once again emphasized the importance of solving all challenges and issues through dialogue and in within the confines of Armenia’s Constitution and laws.
As part of Sarkissian’s efforts to discuss the situation with political forces represented in parliament, he also on Wednesday, met with the leader of the Republican Party of Armenia’s faction Vahram Baghdasaryan.
Similarly, Sarkissian stressed the need for dialogue in resolving issues and praised efforts adopted by the political forces to address issues through negotiations. He also emphasized the importance of working in an atmosphere of tolerance and solidarity and be guided with the state’s interests.
Baghdasaryan reiterated the points in the Republican Party of Armenia’s statement issued on Tuesday. The party affirmed that it would not nominate its own candidate when the prime minister resigns, which is the first step toward the dissolution of the parliament—a key step in advancing snap elections.
Baghdasaryan, however, insisted that his party did not agree with the arguments on the need to hold the elections in December, arguing that political forces should be granted ample time to prepare for the elections.
Source: Asbarez
Link: ARF Bureau Member Meets with President Sarkissian