ANCA Calls for Inquiry into Reports of Azerbaijan Deploying American-Made Military Helicopters

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On June 22, the ANCA called upon the bipartisan leadership of key Senate and House oversight committees to investigate potential violations of U.S. arms export laws in connection with published reports that Azerbaijan will showcase U.S.-made Bell 412 helicopters at its June 26 military parade (Graphic: ANCA)

WASHINGTON—On June 22, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) called upon the bipartisan leadership of key Senate and House oversight committees to investigate potential violations of U.S. arms export laws in connection with published reports that Azerbaijan will showcase U.S.-made Bell 412 helicopters at its June 26 military parade.

In letters sent to Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Ranking Member Jack Reed (D-R.I.) of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Tex.) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) of the House Armed Services Committee, ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian requested—”in the interest of ensuring compliance with U.S. laws… a definitive explanation of any and all statutory restrictions, Executive Branch prohibitions, and other policies and practices regarding the direct or third-party sale or transfer of military or potentially dual-use U.S. equipment or technology to Azerbaijan.” The letter also sought clarification of the review process for such sales/transfers, a listing of past or pending sales or transfers, and an update on any investigations of potentially illegal sales or transfers to Azerbaijan.

“News of Azerbaijan deploying offensive U.S. arms requires a serious public spotlight and strong Congressional oversight,” said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director. “This is a bright line: The U.S. government must keep American arms out the hands of Azerbaijan’s rabidly anti-Armenian Aliyev regime.”

The full text of the ANCA’s June 22 letter is provided below.


June 22, 2018

Chairman John McCain
Senate Armed Services Committee
228 Russell Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510


Chairman Mac Thornberry
House Armed Services Committee
2216 Rayburn House Building
Washington, D.C. 20515


Ranking Member Jack Reed
Senate Armed Services Committee
228 Russell Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20515


Ranking Member Adam Smith
House Armed Services Committee
2216 Rayburn House Building
Washington, D.C. 20515


Dear Chairmen McCain and Thornberry and Ranking Members Reed and Smith:

We are writing, in connection to published reports that the Azerbaijani military will showcase U.S.-manufactured Bell 412 helicopters during its June 26th military parade, to request a definitive explanation of any and all statutory restrictions, Executive Branch prohibitions, and other policies and practices regarding the direct or third-party sale or transfer of military or potentially dual-use U.S. equipment or technology to Azerbaijan.

In the interest of ensuring compliance with U.S. laws and advancing our national interest in a peaceful resolution of outstanding status and security issues between Artsakh and Azerbaijan, we request:

1) A listing of all laws, prohibitions, regulations, policies, and practices – including those under U.S. arms export control laws, Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, and other legal authorities governing direct or third-party sales or transfers of military or potentially dual-use U.S. equipment or technology to Azerbaijan.

2) A description of the U.S. government’s process for reviewing proposed direct or third-party sales or transfers of military or potentially dual-use U.S. equipment or technology to Azerbaijan, including an explanation of the roles and responsibilities of each of the various departments, agencies and other stakeholders involved in such reviews.

3) A listing of all past and pending direct or third-party sales or transfers of military or potentially dual-use U.S. equipment or technology to Azerbaijan, including descriptions of equipment, relevant dates, costs, and other relevant details.

4) A listing of any investigations of potential violations of U.S. laws, prohibitions, regulations, and policies related to direct or third-party sales or transfers of military or potentially dual-use U.S. equipment or technology to Azerbaijan.

Thank you for your consideration of our concerns and your leadership in ensuring that our nation’s export control laws are respected. We look forward to hearing from you and to sharing your response with our community.



Aram Hamparian
Executive Director



The Honorable Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State

The Honorable James Mattis, Secretary of Defense

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The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian-American grassroots organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues. To learn more, visit

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Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: ANCA Calls for Inquiry into Reports of Azerbaijan Deploying American-Made Military Helicopters