WASHINGTON (A.W.)—Representatives of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Eastern Region Untied States met with His Excellency Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations (UN), on Sept. 12, to discuss various issues facing Armenians in the homeland and in the Diaspora.
(L to R) ARF Central Committee UN liaison Antranig Kasbarian, Ambasador Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, and ARF Eastern U.S. Central Committee Chair Hayg Oshagan.
ARF Eastern U.S. Central Committee Chair Hayg Oshagan, Central Committee UN liaison Antranig Kasbarian, and Ambassador Mnatsakanyan discussed at length the Syrian-Armenian refugee situation in Armenia, Lebanon, and the broader Diaspora; the dire living conditions of the Armenian community of Syria; as well as several other issues pertaining to Armenia-Diaspora relations.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the two parties pledged to work closely and to use all available resources to bring relief to Syrian-Armenians in Syria, in Armenia, and in the Diaspora.
Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: ARF Eastern Region U.S. Representatives Meet Armenia’s Ambassador to UN