ARF’s 2017 election slogan: “A New Beginning; A Just Armenia”
On April 2, voters in Armenia will turn out for the first parliamentary elections under Armenia’s new Constitution, which was ratified last year. The April 2 election will be the first tangible step toward transitioning Armenia into a parliamentary form of government.
The Armenian Revolutionary Federation, which has been an avid advocate for a parliamentary system of government from the nascent days of the Armenia’s independence, worked diligently to usher in a new dawn for Armenia under the new Constitution.
As such, the ARF, with renewed resolve and under the slogan of “A New Beginning; A Just Armenia,” has entered the parliamentary election because the ARF is the party with an ideology, a program, a system of values, and experience of more than 126 years that it can leverage to advance the aspirations of the Armenian citizens.
Since the establishment of Armenia’s Independence in 1991, the ARF has been at the forefront of efforts to strengthen Armenia’s statehood and to ensure that the country is governed and guided by democratic principles and to bolster its security for the sake of the future of our nation.
From the ARF’s active role in the Artsakh Liberation Movement to its current role as an integral part of daily life in Artsakh only demonstrates that the ARF will not—and cannot—sit idly and must have a determining role in the future of the Armenian nation. As such, the ARF is the only party whose election platform is an all-encompassing set of ideals that addresses the critical needs of every Armenian, be they in Armenia, Artsakh or Javakhk.
With its Socialist ideology, the ARF is committed to advance social and economic justice and to protect the rights of every citizen in Armenia. During the last 25 years, our young Republic has seen upheavals and achievements. Through the April 2 elections, the ARF pledges to roll up its sleeves and fight with the people who must reclaim their voice in their own country. The ARF vows to ensure a just Armenia with a promise of bright future where the talents, knowledge, and capabilities of all Armenians are harnassed for the goal of serving our domestic needs and national interests.
A vote for the ARF during the April 2 elections is a vote for a robust and unified homeland that is strong enough to confront all challenges—foreign and domestic—facing our nation.
For more information and to read the ARF’s full election platform visit: voteARF2017.am.
Source: Asbarez
Link: ARF Western US Announcement on April 2 Parliamentary Elections in Armenia