Armenian Technology Group
Editor’s Note: The Armenian Technology Group on Friday issued a statement expressing its solidarity with the people of Armenia as they embark on ensuring change and stability in the country. Below is the text of the statement.
The Armenian Technology Group, Inc. (ATG) congratulates the people of Armenia, particularly the post-soviet generation, for their determination and strong will to bring positive changes to their country through peaceful demonstrations and actions.
As a non-profit organization with almost 30 years of investment of time, expertise and resources, we have refrained ourselves in being involved in the internal political affairs of Armenia. Today, however, as Armenia is considered a nation with a global presence, it is ATG’s responsibility to convey our opinion to the people of Armenia, and to the thousands of farmers that we have work with over the years We also consider it part of our fiduciary responsibility to our generous donors – who have invested their trust and resources in our mission.
Working side-by-side with the Armenian people, the Diaspora’s accomplishments in Armenia and Artsakh speak for themsleves. Along with numerous philanthropists, well-intended individuals, non-profit organizations and various other Governmental assistance programs to improve the living conditions, we have witnessed firsthand the difficulties that you, the people of Armenia and Artsakh, have endured.
We are not alone in expressing our disappointment in the successive governments in Armenia that have failed to clear society from the oligarchic corruption. The past leaders have paid little attention to serious social issues, economic problems, and have failed to halt emigration!
The people of Armenia, more than anyone, are cognizant that in order to improve the socio-economic conditions, significant and long overdue systemic changes are necessary. We share your concerns, and welcome this home grown, grass-roots revolt and support you in your efforts to free yourselves from the unjust, and corrupt oligarchic system of governance, that has been imposed on your State.
“For the umpteenth time, the Damocles sword is hanging over the head of our people. People frustrated and disappointed are abandoning their homes to take the path of emigration. The country is vacating.” stated ATG Foundation director in Armenia, in his December 2017 communique.
The peaceful demonstrations and actions taking place in the streets of Armenia against the ruling authorities are the direct result of the poor economic conditions and injustices that that people have had to endure. No longer will the people tolerate a system where a close circle of individuals have centralized the country’s wealth in their hands.
In this regard, we also congratulate the members of the different factions of the National Parliament who are engaged in civil dialogue. Your conduct is a testimony of your commitment to the democratic process of adhering to your responsibilities toward the will of your people.
Last but not least, we take our hats off to the efforts of Mr. Nikol Pashinyan, who is spearheading this peaceful mission.
We stand by you and the people of Armenia in your difficult process of moving Armenia toward a just society, which encourages economic growth, prosperity and opportunity for all citizens, not just for an elite privileged few.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Armenian Technology Group Voices Solidarity with People of Armenia