Artsakh Prime Minister Arayik Harutunyan
Caviar Production to Move Forward
STEPANAKERT—The Artsakh government is anticipating growth in the country’s economy, with Prime Minister Arayik Hartunyan announcing increase in agriculture production, as well as plans to produce 15 to 20 tons of black caviar slated to be exported.
Harutunyan told a press conference Monday that an international company is ready to invest and promote the Made in Artsakh caviar, which will be produced in Mataghis in the Mardakert Provice of Artakh.
Caviar is expected to hit the shelves in Armenia and Artsakh in some six years, Harutyunyan said, adding that the country also seeks to boost dried fruit production. The caviar processing plant opened in summer of 2015.
Hartunyan said that Artsakh plans to increase processing of wheat, barley and corn.
“Overall we are satisfied, and the overall agricultural projects already have their clients. In economic terms, of course we had issues, quite many investors delayed their activities, but fortunately we also have an overwhelming number of investors who haven’t delayed, but also resumed their investments during the previous year’s April war,” Harutunyan told a press conference. The Stepanakert-based Artsakh Press reported that the prime minister said the “Four Day” War caused a minor stoppage of work, as most went to the frontlines.
According to the prime minister Artsakh’s economy is expected to register double-digit growth this year. He attributed that growth to the deployment of turbine power plants, which allows Artsakh to produce more energy, which it also shares with Armenia.
He said the two sectors that saw the most investments in Artsakh were hydropower and mining.
“With the first five months of 2017, we can say that we have increased construction volumes due to charity, public and other projects. Fish breeding is also developing,” he said.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Artsakh Economy on the Rise