The Board of Regents of Prelacy Armenian Schools is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, prelacyschools.org
GLENDALE—The Board of Regents of Prelacy Armenian Schools is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, prelacyschools.org. The fully renovated site has been designed to provide the ultimate user-friendly experience while presenting rich insight about the Board of Regents and the twelve Prelacy Armenian schools it governs. A private web portal has also been created for Prelacy Armenian school teachers and administrators to use.
“Our website has always been an important way for us to showcase the Prelacy Armenian schools and share information about the resources we can offer to parents and educators,” said Lisa Gaboudian, Chairwoman of the Board of Regents of Prelacy Armenian Schools. “The redesigned website has a modern look and improved functionality to ensure an easier and more engaging experience for users.”
The new and completely revamped website offers visitors a more comprehensive understanding of the Board of Regents’ mission while highlighting the strengths of each of the Prelacy Armenian schools it helps oversee. Furthermore, the site is compatible with commonly-used web browsers and has been optimized for mobile device usage as well.
The web portal will be exclusively accessible to Prelacy Armenian school administrators, teachers and staff. It will essentially serve as an intranet network that automatically updates its users with regulatory requirements and deadlines, useful educational resources, and secure, direct lines of communication. Through the web portal, Prelacy Armenian school educators will also contribute towards a collective goal of transitioning into an increasingly paperless environment.
The Board of Regents of Prelacy Armenian Schools’ new website will be updated regularly with news regarding business activity, school milestones, events, and other related information. Visitors are encouraged to explore the website by going to prelacyschools.org.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Board of Regents of Prelacy Armenian Schools Launches New Website, Web Portal