Jul 4, 2017

Obituary: Mark Alashaian
Mark Alashaian Mark Alashaian, 52, of Emerson, on July 1. He was born in New York City and

Jul 3, 2017

The ARS Central Executive Board Mourns the Passing of Chaké Der Melkonian-Minassian
Chaké Der Melkonian-Minassian It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of

Jul 3, 2017

Armenian, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers May Meet Next Week
VIENNA, Austria — On June 30, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said that he may meet w

Jul 3, 2017

Beyond Nationalism: The Case for Engaged Patriotism on the Eve of the 100th Anniversary of Statehood
By Varak Ketsemanian and Raffy Ardhaldjian Special to the Armenian Weekly   May 28 ju

Jul 3, 2017

Armenia’s Minister of Education and Science Presents Report at National Assembly
YEREVAN (A.W.)— On July 3, Armenian Minister of Education and Science Levon Mkrtchyan of

Jul 3, 2017

Unseen Armenia: Armenia’s Festivals
Travelers to Armenia visit our beautiful churches, fortresses, archaeological sites, and s

Jul 1, 2017

Thank You, Canada—150 Has Never Looked so Good!
Hey Canada, Even though it’s been a while since I’ve left, I have not forgotten ab

Jul 1, 2017

The ANCA at Work: Advancing Armenian Priorities at the White House, State Department, and Capitol Hill
WASHINGTON—Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) national and regional leaders e

Jul 1, 2017

ANCA Welcomes Largest Summer Internship Class in Program’s 30 Year History
2017 Interns Learn Grassroots Advocacy, Advance Policy Priorities, Make Connections in Was

Jul 1, 2017

Diversity Our Strength
By Harout Manougian Harvard Kennedy School – Class of 2019 2017ANCA Leo Sarkisian Intern