Sep 14, 2015

Mark Moogalian Awarded French Legion of Honor
Fifty-one-year-old Sorbonne professor, Armenian-American Mark Moogalian, who was identifie

Sep 14, 2015

New York Community Honors ARF Heroes and Martyrs on 125th Anniversary of ARF
NEW YORK—On Fri., Aug. 28, the New York “Armen Garo” Gomideh and the New York “Hyo

Sep 11, 2015

Artsakh at 24: A Reality Check
Sept. 2 marked the 24th anniversary of Nagorno-Karabagh’s (Artsakh) independence. This i

Sep 11, 2015

Vaughan Turekian Named Science and Technology Adviser to US Secretary of State
Armenian-American Dr. Vaughan Turekian, formerly the Chief International Officer at the Am

Sep 11, 2015

War, Refugees, and Passports
I watch the powerful images of hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing war in the Middle

Sep 10, 2015

HDP Calls for International Action against Turkey’s ‘Politics of Violence’
The following statement was released by the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)

Sep 10, 2015

EAFJD Accompanies Belgian Deputies to Armenia and NKR
BRUSSELS—A six-member Parliamentary delegation from the Kingdom of Belgium is on a week-

Sep 9, 2015

‘Lynching Campaign’ Targets Kurds in Turkey, HDP Offices Attacked
Kurdish National Congress: Erdogan must end violent, racist, and divisive policies DIYARBA

Sep 9, 2015

ARF Holds Meeting in Buenos Aires with Participation of 5 Regions
At the invitation of the Armenian Revolutionary (ARF) Bureau, a regional meeting between t

Sep 9, 2015

Armenian Leaders Support National Christian Conference on Capitol Hill
Archbishop Choloyan, ANCA’s Aram Hamparian and Kate Nahapetian to Share Armenian Perspec