Demonstrators holding signs that read “We are all Hrant Dink; We are all Armenian” (Photo: Berge Arabian)
ISTANBUL, Turkey (Agos)—A new round of trials of the public officials who are suspects of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink’s murder in 2007 continued on March 13.
The suspects are former police chiefs Celalettin Cerrah, Engin Dinç, Ramazan Aküyrek, Ali Fuat Yılmazer, Ahmet İlhan Güler, continue on March 13.
During the previous round, arrested suspect Ali Fuat Yılmazer, former chief of the Office C of Istanbul Directorate of Security Intelligence Branch, completed his defence. In this round, cross examination of Yılmazer will be carried out. After the cross examination, witnesses will be heard.
The court decided to hear 52 people as witnesses, including Muammer Güler, former Minister of Interior and the Governor of Istanbul at the time of murder; former police chief Hanefi Avcı; former police chief Recep Güven; former deputy police chief Emin Arslan; Hüseyin Yavuzdemir, the Governor of Trabzon at the time of murder; former inspector Ayşegül Genç; former deputy police chief of Istanbul Hakan Aydın Türkeli; former chief of Istanbul counter-terrorism branch Selim Kutkan and journalist Nedim Şener.
Friends of Hrant made a statement in front of the courthouse before the hearing. On behalf of Friends of Hrant, organization member Bülent Aydın said, “We came close to the truth, but the case is still focused on a passive branch. Clarifying the Dink murder would pave the way for clarifying other dark murders.”
The hearings will continue on March 14, 16 and 17.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Dink Murder Case Trials Resume in Istanbul