By Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian
The Executive Committee of the Armenian Evangelical World Council (AEWC) held its annual meeting at Calvary Armenian Congregational Church in San Francisco on Oct. 15-16. The Executive Committee dealt with the following items:
Back row (L-R): Rev. Jacques Tchoghandjian, Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian, Dr. Nurhan Helvacian, Rev. Joel Mikaelian, and Pastor Avetik Khachatryan. Front row (L-R): Rev. Berdj Djambazian, Rev. Haroutune Selimian, Dr. Nazareth Darakjian, Mr. Zaven Khanjian, Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian, Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian, and Rev. Dr. Rene Leonian.
A general review and evaluation was made on the Centennial observances of the Armenian Genocide, organized by Armenian Evangelical churches and organizations, as well as commemorations conducted in cooperation with Armenian and non-Armenian denominations.
- Plans for an official visit to the Vatican were made for the purpose of expressing the appreciation and gratitude of the Armenian Evangelical Church to His Holiness Pope Francis for his role in officially recognizing the Armenian Genocide during this Centennial year.
- A comprehensive update and evaluation was made on the Armenian community in Syria, based on the first-hand reports provided by delegates of the Armenian Evangelical Union of the Near East.
- It was resolved to continue the dialogue between AEWC and the Holy See of Etchmiadzin.
- Plans for establishing an AEWC office at the AMAA Headquarters in Yerevan were discussed.
- Plans for the 170th anniversary of the Armenian Evangelical Church in 2016 were discussed.
- Zaven Khanjian, the executive director/CEO of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA), was appointed as AEWC representative on the Board of All Armenia Fund.
- Reports by the officers and member organizations were received.
Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Executive Committee of AEWC Meets in San Francisco