The cake-cutting ceremony for the 40th anniversary of St. Garabed Church in Hollywood
LOS ANGELES—On the afternoon of Sunday, April 29, a reception in celebration of the 40th anniversary of St. Garabed Church of Hollywood was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Navasart and Maral Kazazian under the auspices of and presided by Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian and organized by the Parish Pastor Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian and Board of Trustees.
Church consecration Godfather Vahe Karapetian was the event’s Honorary President. The Prelate was joined by Vicar General Bishop Torkom Donoyan. In attendance was Catholicosate Central Executive member Gaidzag Zetlian, Executive Council member Dr. Kaloust Agopian, ARF Central Committee member Garo Ispenjian and “Karekin Njdeh” Gomideh representatives, altar benefactor and Mr. and Mrs. Hagop and Haiguhi Daglian, Rose and Alex Pilibos School Principal Dr. Alina Dorian, members of the church and school family, sponsors and friends.
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The program began with welcoming remarks by Mistress of Ceremonies Tamar Tufenkjian-Seraydarian, who greeted the guests and briefly reflected on the role of the Armenian Apostolic Church in our society. A group of students from Pilibos School participated in the celebration with songs and recitations. Dr. Navasart Kazazian welcomed the guests and thanked all those who contribute their moral and financial support to the advancement of St. Garabed Church. Fr. Vicken expressed gratitude to the Prelate and thanks to the guests, church members and volunteers, sister organizations, and sponsors, after which he highlighted St. Garabed Church’s mission and service to the community over the past four decades.
Given that the Prelate was to attend the ARS Montebello “Nairy” Chapter’s 50th anniversary celebration, he delivered his message early in the program and conveyed his congratulations and commendation to the parish family. Referencing the day’s feast of the Apparition of the Holy Cross, he noted that the Armenian people have for centuries trusted in the power of the Holy Cross and looked to the Holy Cross for inspiration and guidance. The Prelate stated that this anniversary is an opportunity for all to become renewed and strengthened in their journey of faith and service, and highlighted four points in this regards. First, he urged for faithfulness to God and humility, love, and devotion in our service. Second, to be grateful for those who came before us, who served with faith, hope, and love. Third, to find joy in our present successes, and finally, to look to an even brighter future with faith and hope.
In his remarks, Vahe Karapetian conveyed his congratulations and invited all to continue to lend their valuable support to St. Garabed Church.
Bishop Torkom Donoyan delivered closing remarks. He highlighted the Armenian Church’s mission of defending and promoting our Christian faith and national identity over the centuries, stressing that the Armenian Church is not only a bastion of our faith but also of culture and enlightenment, and stating, “where there is a church, there the Armenian people are strong.”
The reception concluded with the cake cutting and the benediction.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Hollywood’s St. Garabed Church Celebrates 40th Anniversary