The Head of the IT department of YerPhI Zaven Akopov and YerPhI director Ashot Chilingarian visiting the IAEA headquarters in Vienna
VIENNA, Austria—The Yerevan Physics Institute (YerPhI) Director Ashot Chilingarian on January 13 met in Vienna with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) leaders Wei Huang, the IAEA’s Director of the Planning, Information and Knowledge Management Department of Nuclear Energy, and Michail Chudakov, Deputy Director General, Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy to discuss the organization’s interest in helping YerPhI establish a modern scientific library.
The IAEA gathers nuclear data, information and knowledge resources on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and makes it available to its Member States, contributing to advancing research and development and helping countries achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
“The project has not only allowed YerPhI to acquire and reuse the scientific information, but has also introduced modern technologies to support the operation of Armenia’s research facilities,” said Zaven Akopov, INIS coordinator at the IAEA.
Installation on the servers of the YerPhI IT department of the digital repository “Invenio” will not only provide access to YerPhI preprints and other scientific information, but also the possibility to develop special data bases with scientific data collected during experiments in high-energy physics worldwide with participation of YerPhI physicists and unique data collected at Aragats stations.
Source: Asbarez
Link: International Atomic Energy Agency to Help Establish Scientific Library in Yerevan Physics Institute