Local Talent Featured in Providence Show

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By Shirley Ventrone

PROVIDENCE, R.I—On March 4, the Cultural Committee of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church, presented an engaging concert featuring local Rhode Island artists. The event took place in the Egavian Cultural Center in Providence, R.I.

The performers

The featured artists of the evening were Gohar Manjelikian, Mezzo-Soprano; Dalita Getzoyan, flute; Raffi Rachdouni, piano; Bethany Sousa Rachdouni, violin; and Nune Hakobyan, piano accompaniment.

The performers exhibited their talent through a wide range of musical work.  The capricious Chem Krna Khagha, by Komitas, as sung by Gohar Manjelikian, was light and whimsical, whereas the reverent tone of Petrossian’s Tiramayr was deep and stirring. Gohar sang the aria from Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro, Voi, Che Sapete, with much conviction.

Dalita Getzoyan (flute), Raffi Rachdouni (piano)

The Flute Concerto in D minor, part II: Andante Sostenuto by Aram Khatchatourian is a technically challenging work, which was given life by Dalita Getzoyan. Raffi Rachdouni was the accompanist. Dalita’s rendition of this work was truly moving. She also played La Flute de Pan by Mouquet beautifully.

Gohar Manjelikian (soprano) , Nune Hakobyan (piano)

The selection of works for this program was quite varied.  The opening number by Aram Khachatourian  was performed impressively by Raffi Rachdouni.  He then accompanied Bethany Sousa Rachdouni who performed Kakachner by Avetisyan so beautifully on the violin. Elegy by Babajanian, as played by Bethany, was quite lyrical.

The performance ended with the familiar and light-hearted  folk song Kakavik  (little partridge) with Dalita, Bethany, and Raffi.

Bethany and Raffi Rachdouni

The evening ended with the audience being invited to a reception held by the Cultural Committee and an opportunity to meet with the performers. People had an opportunity to chat with each of the musical guests.  Many of these young people live extremely busy lives teaching and honing their craft.

Everyone agreed that this event was quite special.


Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Local Talent Featured in Providence Show