March is Javakhk Awareness Month

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The Akhaltskha youth center (top) is currently in disrepair. Above, an architects's rendering of the proposed renovated center

The Akhaltskha youth center (top) is currently in disrepair. Above, an architects’s rendering of the proposed renovated center

As in every year, the ARS Javakhk Fund has declared the month of March as “Javakhk Awareness Month,” during which the committee will place substantial focus on community, educational, and fundraising events for ARS projects in Javakhk. These efforts will continue to help raise awareness on the plight of Armenians living in Javakhk and the importance of the region through a national perspective.

The ARS Javakhk Fund continues to sponsor three youth centers in Javakhk and strives to bring much-needed attention, socio-economic assistance, and further programs aimed at advancing education, cultural awareness, health care, and more.

The Committee’s first event in the month of March will be a Social Night, which will be held on Thursday, March 1, 2018 starting at 7 p.m. at Kavar Restaurant (4777 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90029). Tickets are $50 per person and entertainment will be provided by well-known singer Koko Hayitian.

Proceeds from this event will benefit the rebuilding of the youth center in Akhaltskha, which plays an important role in gathering the youth in the region and having them engage in various programs and activities.

The Committee’s second major fundraising event will be held on Friday, May 11, 2018 with additional details soon to follow.

The youth center in Akhaltskha is the first of the three centers that began being sponsored by the Armenian Relief Society of Western USA. The center opened in 2006 and successfully allows youth of all ages to expand their knowledge, socialize, and maintain their Armenian identity.

Led by the principles that “Javakhk is Part of Armenia” and “Supporting Javakhk is Our Duty,” the ARS Javakhk Fund has been actively working since 2001 through various educational, fundraising, and community-wide efforts to engage Armenians in the Diaspora to lend assistance to fellow Armenians in Javakhk. The ARS Javakhk Fund is hopeful that the community will demonstrate significant support again this year.

To obtain tickets or receive additional information, contact the ARS Regional Headquarters at (818) 500-1343 or ARS Javakhk Fund Committee Member Hermine Parseghian at (714) 417-0534.

Source: Asbarez
Link: March is Javakhk Awareness Month