Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan Assesses Khosrov Forest Firefighting Mission, Damages

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YEREVAN (A.W.)—Armenia’s Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan recently provided updates on the firefighting mission and the damages caused by the Khosrov State Reserve fire, in a press conference in Yerevan.

A scene from the firefighting mission at Khosrov Forest State Reserve (Photo: Photolure)

“When talking about the damage, it should be noted [the forest’s] ‘state reserve’ status means that the biodiversity there is highly valued by the state,” adding that the losses and damages in state reserves should be taken more seriously than in other areas. The fire at the reserve broke out of Aug. 12. Four days later, all of the fire’s hot spots were extinguished after a concerted mission by local fire crews, Armenian military units, as well as a Russian air tanker and its crew.

The Khosrov Forest State Reserve is located in the Ararat Province, in southwestern Armenia and is considered one the oldest protected areas in the world.

“What makes our losses distinct is that the trees in these areas are difficult to grow and almost impossible to recover,” Minasyan said during the Aug. 18 press conference. A large stand of 150-year-old juniper trees were lost in the fire.

In terms of the loss of animal life, Minasyan said that while there were some losses of small reptiles, larger animals in the reserve seem to have remained unharmed.

“We have already gotten support from international organizations in terms of natural rehabilitation, the reinforcement of our firefighting measures, and the strengthening of our technical equipment, not only for the Khosrov Forest State Reserve, but to all specially protected areas,” Minasyan added.

Minasyan also took part in the efforts to put out the forest fire at Khosrov (Photo: Yerkir)

Minasyan went on to thank the individuals and organizations that have actively done their best to minimize the consequences of the fire. “I express my gratitude to our commanders, the armed units, our troops, who together have done such brilliant work and have made an invaluable contribution to the protection of the property of our people, our statehood, and our future generations,” Minasyan noted.

Minsyan, who actively participated on the firefighting mission on the ground, then noted that the cause of the fire will be revealed at the conclusion of an ongoing investigation. “It is not ruled out that any version or human factor can be ruled out because the fire broke out in the area where there is much movement from community and private areas,” he said.

Firefighters succeeded in localizing the fire with the help of a Russian air tanker and its crew. On Aug 21, Minasyan awarded the flight crew members of Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations IL-76 air tanker. According to the Ministry of Nature Protection’s press service, Minasyan extended his gratitude to the aircrew members for performing their mission “with utmost responsibility.”

By Minasyan’s order, the commander of the IL-76 Evgeny Serikh was awarded the departmental medal of the Ministry of Nature Protection for “delivering exceptional service and high professional competence.” The aircrew members were also presented with certificates of appreciation as well as lifetime passes to Armenia’s state reserves. Armenia’s Minister of Emergency Situations Davit Tonoyan also handed departmental awards to the commander and crew of the Russian emergency air tanker.

Armenia’s Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan also thanked all those involved in the firefighting mission. “I want to thank our rescuers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Nature Protection, the Armed Forces of Republic of Armenia, the Police, the forestry staff, and all our citizens who took part in the firefighting works. I express my gratitude to our colleagues from Russia, particularly to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, for special equipment allocation. I am thankful to the Russian pilots and rescuers for their work,” Karapetyan wrote on his official Facebook page.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Minister of Nature Protection Artsvik Minasyan Assesses Khosrov Forest Firefighting Mission, Damages