The Bible in our daily lives
The Bible in Our Daily Lives
Within human groups, contemporary ideas are appreciated and hold special value, which in itself is logical and fair. Moreover, realities with vibrant appearances are cherished and mirrored as leaders and role models for the advancements of a society.
Following this notion, one can debate that religious and moral values, since they are not always visible or “contemporary,” are considered to be not that attractive, and are not as readily appreciated or utilized within society. But it can be argued that without moral principles, life turns meaningless and essentially loses its dignity.
Within the Christian faith, and especially for the Christian individual, the truth reveals itself through the Bible. Therefore, for truth to be functional, the Bible must not only have a leading role in our lives, but be appreciated and respected in its entirety.
Apostle Paul, in the second letter written to his beloved coworker, travel companion and assistant Timothy, venerates and reiterates the role of the Bible in our lives as: “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Here, within these two verses, it should be very clear about the status and usefulness of the Bible in our daily lives. It is very important to recognize that the Bible is a complete set of Holy books written with the inspiration of God, and simultaneously beneficial. Learning useful things and applying them in our lives have high value; in addition, they are an inseparable part of any Christian person’s life. With every message, the Bible teaches us to live in the truth and apply the truth in our lives, because only after we know the truth, we will be able to reject falsehood.
Recently, differentiating truth from falsehood has become more and more difficult, in part because of the way untruth is being represented. Whether in social media, from our cultural role models, or in this ever-present 24-hour news cycle, even if only briefly, the manner in which false information is disseminated can give the impression that it is truth. This is where the Bible comes in, as our ultimate guide, to give us the ways and tools to recognize the untrue and the necessary means to reject it, by directing the individual on the correct path, and providing the instruction for a just life.
Being just is a human virtue; however it is difficult for those that are distant from truth to practice it, or maybe even recognize it. Bible is not only an ancient history; it is the interpretation to direct the course of history onto the correct path.
Therefore, reading and applying the Bible in our daily lives is very beneficial to us and very modern-day. The apostle also reminds us to be perfect. Perfect in thought, deed and action. Being perfect benefits everyone’s advancement and promotion in all occupations. The same applies to us as Christians. Being perfect is a command from God, so we can strive to be perfect, as our heavenly Father is perfect. It is the perfect human who is motivated and does good deeds, to accomplish the recommendation of helping one another. It is one of the most important virtues as a Christian to do good deeds and to help others in need, with no expectation of any reciprocity.
As we learned, Bible is contemporary and teaches us all these virtues. Let us not hesitate making the Bible an inseparable part of our daily lives, our thoughts, and discussions.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Religion: The Contemporariness of the Bible