LOS ANGELES—In light of recent events hurled by authorities of the Turkish government, today from 12-1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (3-4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time), a social media campaign will ensue (i.e. Facebook, Twitter) to expose Turkey’s human rights abuses to the world that our own media hasn’t, using the hashtags #WorstAlly and #DivestTurkey.

A screenshot from a video from the attack, captured by Voice of America’s Turkish service (Photo: Voice of America)
Other popular hashtags you can include are #WorstAllyEver #ArrestErdogansBodyGuards
Add facts and examples to the hashtag, highlighting Turkish President Erdogan’s intolerance of opposition, minority rights, and freedom of speech.
On May 16, a demonstration staged to protest Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s official visit to the United States turned bloody when Erdogan’s security guards attacked the peaceful demonstrators at Sheridan Circle near the residence of the Turkish Ambassador to the U.S.
At least three people were taken to the hospital after suffering injuries. Police arrested several people in relation with the attacks; none included Erdogan’s guards.
This is not the first time the global community has witnessed the Turkish ruling regime’s barbarism against freedom of speech.
The Republic of Turkey is not our ally.
Share this message to educate the public.
Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Take Action: Social Media Campaign to Expose Turkey’s Human Rights Abuses