ANAHEIM, Calif.—The St. Mary’s Tufenkian Preschool & Kindergarten participated in the 7th Annual Early Childhood Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Conference in Anaheim, hosted by the Children’s Center at Caltech.
This year the conference was held on Friday, February 2and Saturday, February 3, and Tufenkian Pre-School, for the third time, took an active part in this innovative conference to expand its teachers’ skills in STEM education in early childhood development. Tufenkian’s sister school, Pilavjian Preschool teachers, were also among the 600 attendees from multiple states and several countries.
Tufenkian Preschool & Kindergarten understands that early childhood years, birth to age 5, are the most critical for neurological and brain development. Field experts indicate that “during the earliest years, children develop 700 neural connections every second. These biologically driven neurological processes and natural curiosity of how the world works, make early childhood an optimal time to introduce children to scientific inquiry.”
The Tufenkian Preschool & Kindergarten Administration and teachers remain committed in providing an early childhood education program that is based on current research and studies that consistently show that young children learn better in an environment that promotes active exploration, observation, interaction, and discovery. Therefore, as the school continues to improve its classrooms and the overall campus, it is also striving to provide opportunities for students to explore, observe, interact and discover in the context of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) standards.
Incorporating STEAM curriculum, along with the Reggio Emilia Approach and Outdoor Classroom philosophy, has been part of the school’s mission for the past four years and it has seen the benefits of the program as the students grow and transition into other schools.
Tufenkian expressed its gratitude to its parents and School Board for allowing the opportunity to strive for continued curriculum enhancements.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Tufenkian Pre-School Staff Attends Early Childhood STEM Conference