Uncle Garabed’s Notebook (Feb. 27, 2016)

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Of Hearts and Mouths

The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.

… Benjamin Franklin


Iberian Proverb

Bad news is always true.


A Reasonable Affliction

On his death-bed poor Lubin lies;
His spouse is in despair;
With frequent sobs and mutual cries,
They both express their care.

“A different cause,” says Parson Sly
“The same effect may give:
Poor Lubin fears that he may die;
His wife, that he may live.”

… Matthew Prior


Fortune Cookie Message

The difficulties of life are intended to make us better not bitter.


The Stolen Horse

A Spaniard in his travels overtook an Indian in a desert. Both were mounted, but the Indian had the better horse. The Spaniard wanted him to change, and as he refused, set upon, mastered him, and took possession of the steed. The Indian rode peaceably to the next town, and then laid his complaint before the cadi. The Spaniard insisted the horse was his, and that the claim of the complainant was simply ridiculous. The Indian, throwing his scarf over the horse’s head, requested the cadi to demand of the defendant which of the horse’s eyes was the blind one. “The right eye,” cried the Spaniard. “Neither,” shouted the Indian, and the cadi at once adjudged the horse to its rightful owner.


What’s in a Name?

Vorperian: Armenian in derivation, identified as a descriptive term, vorper is defined as orphans.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Uncle Garabed’s Notebook (Feb. 27, 2016)