119th ARF Eastern U.S. Regional Convention Held in Philadelphia; New Central Committee Elected

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WATERTOWN, Mass. (A.W.)—The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Eastern United States held its 119th Regional Convention in Philadelphia, Pa., on Feb․ 16-19, with the participation of delegates and invited guests from across the Eastern U.S.

Representatives of the ARF Western U.S. and ARF Canada Central Committees were also present at the Convention.

After extensive discussions of national and community issues, the Convention determined its agenda for the following two years, emphasizing the importance of strengthening local communities, pursuing the just demands of the Armenian people, and harnessing forces for the benefit of the Armenia Diaspora, Armenia, and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh), especially on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the first Republic of Armenia.

At its conclusion, the Convention elected a new Central Committee, comprised of the following ungers:

George Aghjayan, Chairperson (Mass.)
Hovsep Avakian (D.C.)
John Avedissian (Mass.)
Antranig Kasbarian (N.J.)
Ara Chalian, (Pa.)
Greg Bedian (Ill.)
Hayg Oshagan (Mich.)

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: 119th ARF Eastern U.S. Regional Convention Held in Philadelphia; New Central Committee Elected