Armenian MFA Praises Artsakh Referendum

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YEREVAN—Armenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian commended the constitutional referendum, which took place in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh/NKR) on Feb. 20, calling the vote further evidence “of the determination of the people of Artsakh to organize their public life by democratic processes.”

Edward Nalbandian

In a statement released by Armenia’s Ministry of Foriegn Affairs, Nalbandian also praised the fact that more than 100 international observes assessed the referendum to be in line with international standards.

Nalbandian’s statement can be read in its entirety below.


The referendum held on Feb. 20 is yet another evidence of the determination of the people of Artsakh to organize their public life by democratic processes. The current Constitutional Referendum is aimed at choosing the system of governance that the people of Nagorno-Karabagh consider more relevant to their needs.

It is commendable that more than 100 international observers representing three dozen countries assessed the Referendum as well organized, transparent, and in line with international standards.

The exercise of fundamental freedoms is a universal right that cannot be subject to limitations. For quarter of a century Nagorno-Karabagh conducts processes inherent to democratic societies and there is no doubt that the people of Artsakh have certainly gained the right to live according to the same universal values that the free democratic world enjoys.

Once again the people of Artsakh demonstrated that their will to build democratic society is irreversible notwithstanding all odds of continuous use of force and threat of force, economic blockade, and other hostile actions perpetrated by Azerbaijan. It does not come as a surprise that the ongoing democratic processes in Artsakh are met with such an extreme discontent in Azerbaijan—a country notorious with its human rights violations.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Armenian MFA Praises Artsakh Referendum