Armenian Youth Federation Glendale ‘Roupen’ Chapter Raises $3,500 for AYF’s With Our Soldiers’ Campaign (Photo: Meher Kaskanian)
On Friday, May 6, the AYF Glendale “Roupen” chapter organized “Artsakh Night” at the Glendale Youth Center bringing together AYF members, AYF Juniors and the community for an intimate night composed of musical performances, fundraising, and updates on the Artsakh conflict. The Chapter raised $3,500 for the With Our Soldiers campaign, dedicated to providing assistance to those who are defending the Homeland.
“With events like this, our cause to serve Artsakh becomes consolidated,” said AYF Glendale ‘Roupen’ Chapter member Armig Boghigian. “The AYF shows strength not in numbers or dollars, but with the passion in our work.”
The event began with opening remarks by Glendale ‘Roupen’ Chapter executive member, Patil Derderian, who thanked attendees for their presence and continued support of the people of Artsakh in these dangerous times.
Audrey Josephbeg and Vazgen Barsegian, both members of the organizing chapter, performed traditional Armenian songs with Armenian instruments in honor of the soldiers defending the freedom and security of Artsakh.

Audrey Josephbeg and Vazgen Barsegian perform traditional Armenian songs and with traditional instruments (Photo: Meher Kaskanian)
Alongside the musical performances, Gev Iskajyan, chairperson of the Armenian Youth Federation Central Executive, briefed the audience on the current state of Artsakh, noting that the community must always be attentive to the welfare and needs of the country.
“The independence of Artsakh was won because of the sacrifice of tens of thousands of soldiers and their families over 20 years ago. It is our duty to them and those who defend that hard-earned freedom today to stand at their side today and support our collective cause,” said Iskajyan.
The AYF stands With Our Soldiers who are protecting our beloved Artsakh and calls upon our entire community to do the same. Updates on the progress of the campaign will be provided through the following hyperlinks:
With Our Soldiers official website: withoursolders.com
AYF Western Region Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ayfwest
With Our Soldiers Facebook group: facebook.com/WithOurSoldiers/
Founded in 1933, the Armenian Youth Federation is the largest and the most influential Armenian- American youth organization in the United States, working to advance the social, political, education and cultural awareness among Armenian-American youth.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Armenian Youth Federation Glendale ‘Roupen’ Chapter Raises ,500 for ‘With Our Soldiers’ Campaign