ARS Washington Chapter Holds Fundraiser for Soseh Kindergarten

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Fundraising for Artsakh Kindergarten is Ongoing at

WASHINGTON (A.W.)—On April 1, the Washington Satenig chapter of the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) Eastern Region held a fundraiser for the ARS Stepanakert Soseh Kindergarten Rebuilding Project at the home of Dr. Grigor and Mrs. Arax Khachikian.  Ungerouhi Angele Manoogian, the Committee Chair, updated guests about the project and the importance of the ARS’ support of this worthwhile endeavor.

Some of the fundraiser attendees (Photo: ARS)

The Soseh Kindergarten opened in April 1998 with the aim of meeting the needs of the children of Artsakh War soldiers and their families, by assisting and providing for their early childhood education. In April 2014, the Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh) Republic Seismic Service found the building to be hazardous and ordered the closure of the kindergarten.

The ARS Central Executive Board decided to demolish the building and rebuild a new state of the art facility. The newly constructed kindergarten will house more than 130 students. Through the community’s generous donations, the project is near completion and the opening ceremony will take place on Sept. 6.

A scene from the fundraiser (Photo: ARS)

The ARS would like to thank all its friends who attended and donated. The ARs would also like to sincerely thank Dr. and Mrs. Khachikian for their kind hospitality.

Those who would like to support the Soseh Kindergarten may do so online at The ARS Eastern United States is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  All donations are tax-deductible.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: ARS Washington Chapter Holds Fundraiser for Soseh Kindergarten