Artsakh’s Representative in South Florida

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BOCA RATON, Fla. (A.W.)—Seizing on the opportunity that Artsakh’s Permanent Representative H.E. Robert Avetisyan was visiting the Florida International University, arrangements were made for him to visit the ACAA-Florida Agoump in Boca Raton on April 14, to deliver a lecture on the current situation in Artsakh.

Robert Avetisyan

H.E. Mr. Avetisyan, born in Stepanakert, Artsakh, holds a Bachelor’s degree in philology from Artsakh State University and a Master’s degree in international affairs from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.

In Feb. 2009, he was appointed Permanent Representative of the Artsakh Republic to the United States. In April 2011, he was appointed on concurrent Artsakh’s  Represenatative to Canada with residence in Washington D.C.

Prior to that, from 1999 to 2008, he served in Artsakh’s Foreign Ministry’s analytical and political departments. He is an impressive, experienced, energetic, well rounded diplomat who serves his country well with great dedication.

His presentation was captivating and covered a wide range of issues on the current situation in Artsakh, including the present escalating tensions on the Line of Contact (LoC) since Azerbaijan’s aggression about a year ago; an objective evaluation of the key members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group and the complex geopolitical strategies each pursue; relations between the Governments of Armenia and Artsakh and common purpose; and the strong unwavering  will and determination of the Artsakh population to determine their own fate and exercise their right of self-determination.

Avetisyan concluded that for our brothers and sisters in Artsakh, the reality is that we are faced with a matter of “life or death,” and spoke about the critical and crucial importance of having the support of all Armenians in the Diaspora.

Following his presentation, a very vivid and invigorating question and answer session followed with the audience. It was obvious that there was a heightened interest level and concern. Mr. Avetisyan with great articulation answered the questions raised.

The event highlighted the fact and reality that the situation in Artsakh is critical and complicated and the country faces numerous challenges. The Armenian Diaspora should understand and appreciate the seriousness of the situation and provide the support it needs—morally, financially, and politically—by getting involved in the process in any tangible manner they can contribute.

The event was a step in the right direction. More of it—much more involvement—is direly needed.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Artsakh’s Representative in South Florida