Azerbaijan Launches Attacks on NKR, Suffers Casualties

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One NKR Serviceman Killed in Action

STEPANAKERT, NKR (A.W.)—Armenian serviceman Hayk Minasyan (b. 1996) was killed in action on the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic (NKR/Artsakh) Line of Contact (LoC) on the night of April 26-27. Severe fire was recorded along the entire LoC, as Azerbaijani forces used nearly all means of artillery at its disposal, including MM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers, according to a press statement released by the NKR Defense Ministry (MoD).

In a press statement released early April 27, the Defense Ministry announced that Azerbaijani Armed Forces had suffered considerable casualties and loss of hardware, after punitive measures were taken overnight on April 26-27, in an effort to “neutralize Azerbaijani aggression.”

“Given the situation, the Ministry of Defense of NKR advises the adversary to respect the ceasefire arrangement reached between the parties on the latter’s request, and also warns not to turn peaceful settlements into a fire foothold, thus making them potential targets. Otherwise, all the responsibility for the consequences lies on the Azerbaijan’s military-political command,” read a part of the statement.

In a separate statement, the MoD noted that Azerbaijan has been attempting to escalate the situation by bombarding peaceful Armenian settlements near Martakert. The International Red Cross continues to be notified of these violations.

The Ministry issued a statement later in the day informing that the Azerbaijani armed forces had launched attacks on NKR Defense Army military positions near Martakert, firing 82-mm mortars (14 shells). Movement of military equipment was also registered on the Azerbaijani side on the northern direction of the LoC.  The NKR Defense Army is carefully monitoring the LoC, retaliating appropriately, read the statement.

On April 26, two Armenian servicemen, Tigran Poghosyan (b. 1992) and Aram Arushanyan (b. 1972), were killed by Azerbaijani fire. The MoD announced that Azerbaijani Armed Forces violated the ceasefire agreement more than 80 times, firing various caliber weapons on Armenian positions along the LoC on the night of April 25-26.

Azerbaijani forces fired at least 26 60-mm mortars, 75 82-mm mortars, and 3 grenades from an AGS-17 grenade launcher, and several other shots from different caliber weaponry. According to the press statement, Azerbaijani forces also fired 14 MM-21 (Grad) missiles at the town of Martakert and 8 artillery shells in the direction of the village of Mataghis.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Azerbaijan Launches Attacks on NKR, Suffers Casualties