May 23, 2017

UCLA Armenian Students’ Association Demonstrates Against the Young Turks’ Ana Kasparian
 LOS ANGELES, Calif.—On May 22, the UCLA Armenian Students’ Association held a demons

May 23, 2017

Honoring Balaban Hoja: A Hero for Armenian Orphans
From the Armenian Weekly 2017 Magazine Dedicated to the 102nd Anniversary of the Armenian

May 23, 2017

Genocide Education Project of R.I. Announces Recipient of 2017 Genocide Educator of the Year Award
  PROVIDENCE, R.I. (A.W.)— The Rhode Island branch of The Genocide Education Projec

May 23, 2017

ANC of Rhode Island Holds Instructional Workshops
  PROVIDENCE, RI. (A.W.)— On May 13, the Armenian National Committee of Rhode Islan

May 22, 2017

No Ordinary Trip: Artsakh Liberation Memorialized
Special for the Armenian Weekly “It wasn’t an ordinary trip to Armenia,”

May 22, 2017

Homenetmen Eastern U.S. Welcomes Merrimack Valley ‘Miavor’
  MERRIMACK VALLEY, Mass. (A.W.)— The Homenetmen’s Eastern United States Regional

May 22, 2017

U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson to Turkish Ambassador: D.C. Attack is ‘Unacceptable’
  WASHINGTON, (A.W.)— During an interview with Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace, U

May 22, 2017

Turkey Summons U.S. Ambassador; Blames U.S. Security Personnel for Turkish Attack in D.C.
Hamparian:  ‘Erdogan’s Adding Insult to Injury. Having Ordered this Attack, He

May 22, 2017

Providence ARF Welcomes Bureau Member to Rhode Island
PROVIDENCE, R.I (A.W)—The Providence Kristapor gomideyutiun was privileged and honored

May 21, 2017

The Escalating Outrage Over Turkish Attack on Peaceful Protesters
Social Networks, Congressional Condemnations, Criminal Investigations, and Major Media Int