Aug 18, 2015

Sassounian: Turkey Pays CIA Director and Lobbyists to Misrepresent Attacks on Kurds and ISIS
Thousands of articles have been published worldwide in recent weeks exposing Turkey’s st

Aug 18, 2015

Poetry for Syrian-Armenian Relief
Silva Zanoyan Merjanian Donates Proceeds from Her New Book to SARF Special for the Armenia

Aug 14, 2015

To Baptize or Not to Baptize the Hidden Armenians
Along with the many high points experienced during the historic Armenia trip of the 80 hi

Aug 14, 2015

The 6th Pan-Armenian Games Come to a Close
YEREVAN (A.W.)—The 6th Pan-Armenian Games officially came to an end with the closing cer

Aug 14, 2015

Unseen Armenia: Trchkan Falls

By Hovsep Dagdigian The Trchkan Waterfall is the highest waterfall in Armenia, located nea

Aug 14, 2015

AHEI’s Fifth Annual Summer Program Examines Post-Colonialism and Armenian Development
In its fifth annual summer program, the Armenian Higher Education Initiative (AHEI), in pa

Aug 14, 2015

AHC XIX 2016 Welcomes Knights and Daughters of Vartan
The 2016 Armenian Heritage Cruise will feature a presentation by the Knights and Daughters

Aug 13, 2015

Istanbul’s Camp Armen Attacked
Activists occupying the grounds of Camp Armen, the former Armenian summer camp located in

Aug 13, 2015

Armenian Serviceman Killed by Azerbaijani Fire
STEPANAKERT, NKR—Armenian serviceman Karen Hovhannisyan was killed by a fatal gunshot wo

Aug 13, 2015

Pilgrimage in Lebanon: July 18-19, 2015
Special for the Armenian Weekly  In a conversation with His Eminence Archbishop Nareg Ale