Israeli Political Expert Visits Artsakh

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Avigdor Eskin at the Artsakh Parliament

Avigdor Eskin at the Artsakh Parliament

STEPANAKERT—Israeli activist and political expert Avigdor Eskin arrived is Artsakh and was a guest of the National Assembly where he said the purpose of his visit was to become acquainted with Artsakh and its people.

“I have come here to learn rather than say anything. The Armenian nation that has born a number of famed people, deserves great attitude and respect,” Eskin said in his remarks in parliament.

Eskin’s visit is organized by While in parliament Eskin had an opportunity to meet with legislators and presented Israel’s policy in the South Caucasus. He also discussed his views on Israel’s cooperation with Artsakh.

Source: Asbarez
Link: Israeli Political Expert Visits Artsakh