Members of Congress Visit Tsitsernakaberd

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Congressman Jackie Speier and Anna Eshoo at the Memorial Complex (Photo: Embassy of Armenia to the US)
The Armenian Ambassador to the US, Grigor Hovhannisian with Eshoo and Speier walking towards the Memorial Complex (Photo: Embassy of Armenia to the US)
Deputy Director of AGMI, Lusines Abrahamyan with the US delegation (Photo: Embassy of Armenia to the US)
The US delegation at the Aurora Mardiganian exhibit of the museum (Photo: Embassy of Armenia to the US)
Rep. Jackie Speier during her experience at the AGMI (Photo: Public Radio of Armenia)
Rep. Anna Eshoo leaving a note in the Memory Book of Honored Guests (Photo: Embassy of Armenia to the US)

YEREVAN – On September 20, members of the bi-partisan delegation of Congressional Armenian Issues Caucus, which included Representatives Jackie Speier, Anna Eshoo, and Jim Sensenbrenner, paid a visit to the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. They were accompanied by Armenia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the US, Grigor Hovhannisian.

The lawmakers laid flowers at the eternal fire of the Armenian Genocide Monument and observed a moment of silence in tribute to the victims.

At the museum, the delegation received a guided tour offered by Deputy Director of the Genocide Museum, Lusine Abrahamyan. During the tour, they got acquainted with the collection of photo materials, written memoirs, diaries, excerpts from foreign press, as well as the history of the US humanitarian aid during and in the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide.

The American delegation also left notes in the Memory Book of Honorable Guests.

“My heart is broken,” said Representative Speier when discussing the impressions of her visit. “We should not forget what happened in 1915 and we should fight in order to prevent such tragedies from repeating.”

“I would also like to thank the Armenian government and Armenians worldwide for building such Memorial Complex,” concluded Speier.

Source: Asbarez
Link: Members of Congress Visit Tsitsernakaberd