Over $33,000 Raised for ARS Stepanakert Soseh Kindergarten

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BURBANK, Calif.—Members and supporters of the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Harout and Vicky Marashlian on June 4 for a fundraising luncheon which raised over $33,000 to benefit the ARS Stepanakert Soseh Kindergarten and the purchase of a number of necessities for the kindergarten, including children’s bedding and furnishings.

Children of the Soseh Kindergarten at the ‘We Are Our Mountains’ monument (Photo: ARS)

Among the 80 guests were ARS Central Executive Board Vice-Chairperson Nyree Derderian; ARS Central Executive liaison to the Western Region Maral Matossian; Regional Executive Board Members Carmen Libaridian and Maro Papazian; Jackie Hawley, Jane Karageorge, and Catherine Yesayan of Sorptimist International of Glendale; Lynda Burns of the Glendale Commission on the Status of Women; previous ARS Regional Executive Board chairpersons, chapter representatives, and donors.

The official re-opening ceremony of the ARS Stepanakert Soseh Kindergarten will be held in Artsakh on Sept. 6. ARS regions from around the world have joined the rebuilding project initiative to help ensure that the kindergarten will continue to provide early childhood education in a nurturing environment.

While the project turned into reality thanks to the government of the Artsakh Republic, which allocated the land for the kindergarten to the ARS and contributed to construction costs, the ARS has undertaken the greatest of responsibilities in the rebuilding project.

In an effort to ensure the smooth progression of the project, the ARS Central Executive Board formed a committee, which focused on fundraising for the project through events and programs throughout the Western and Eastern United States and Canada. ARS members Jasik Jarahian, Seda Khojayan, and Vicky Marashlian represent the Western Region on the ARS Stepanakert Soseh Kindergarten Rebuilding Project Committee. As a result of their dedication, the ARS of Western USA has brought its maximum participation to the rebuilding project.

During the event, each of the three committee members delivered remarks to guests, explaining the progress and goals of the rebuilding project. While this event may be one of the last ones in the region to benefit the project, the ARS of Western USA extends its utmost gratitude to all the supporters, who have helped further this cause.

Source: Armenian Weekly
Link: Over ,000 Raised for ARS Stepanakert Soseh Kindergarten