Physics Lecturer Ara Daryan with Armenian master’s program physics students at Yerevan Physics Institute / AANL
YEREVAN – The primary goal of the Master’s program started at the Yerevan Physics Institute (YerPhI – A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory) in 2014 was to impart expertise in current research topics based on a deep knowledge of the fundamentals of experimental physics. YerPhI physicists with broad international expertise teach research methods, data analysis and modeling, critical evaluation of scientific findings, and the ability to proceed methodically in high-energy physics and astrophysics. Building on the knowledge gained during the first two semesters, these abilities were strengthened during the one-year-long research phase of the third and fourth semesters.
Since the beginning of the new semester in February 2016, a series of new lectures with invited speakers are planned. Prof. A. Chilingarian, director of YerPhI and head of its Cosmic Ray Division (CRD) has started joint video lecture courses for YerPhI master courses for students of National Research Nuclear University (MePHI in Russia) dedicated to a new scientific topic in which physicists of the Cosmic Ray division have made major contributions; namely “High energy physics in the atmosphere.” Students in Russia follow these lectures, ask questions, and respond with comments via the Internet. Foreign citizens and stateless individuals are permitted to enroll in MePHI according to the laws of the Russian Federation. The cycle of 6 lectures will be continued until the end of March. Below is the link to the master courses of YerPhI:
In March 2016 a foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS RA) and former employee of the National Laboratory, Prof. Alexander Khodjamirian from Siegen University, Germany, has been invited to present a lecture series at National Laboratory. His lectures will cover the modern theory of elementary particles, recent discoveries at Large Hadron Collider, the basics of Quantum Electrodynamics, and the role of hadronic effects in electroweak phenomena.
These lectures are at an introductory level and are intended mainly for the physicists working in experimental groups and for the master and PhD students specializing in experimental physics.
In May, Professor Jean Lilensten, research director at the Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (France) is invited to deliver lectures to YerPhI master students.
These new series of short lecture courses are not limited by the duration of the talks; they have tendency to be extended to include additional interesting and relevant topics thus deepening the students’ knowledge.
Source: Asbarez
Link: Series of Lectures to Continue at the Yerevan Physics Institute