‘We Are Gyumri’ Launches Scholarship Fund for Gyumri Residents

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The "We are Gyumri" Campaign launched phase 2 of project--a scholarship fund for Gyumri residents

The “We are Gyumri” Campaign launched phase 2 of project–a scholarship fund for Gyumri residents

LOS ANGELES—On the 27th anniversary of the Spitak earthquake, we remember the lives that were forever changed by the 6.9 magnitude earthquake on December 7, 1988. Until today the citizens of Gyumri continue their struggle in rebuilding their city and their lives.

The “We Are Gyumri” Campaign, launched in 2014, has been working to help support the youth of the region in an effort to contribute to a flourishing future for the residents of Gyumri.

On Monday, December 7, the campaign announced the second phase of the project, the “We Are Gyumri” Scholarship Fund.

The Scholarship Fund is designed to encourage the youth in Gyumri to further their education without having to leave their homeland. With this scholarship, strictly for the residents of Gyumri, the campaign hopes to inspire the youth to follow their dreams and strengthen their careers.

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The committee also launched a crowd-funding campaign through Indie Go Go to help raise funds for the completion of their initiative.

The campaign, which originated in the Armenian Youth Federation Orange County “Ashod Yergat” Chapter was soon adopted by the Armenian Cultural Foundation and formally launched in the summer of 2014. Over the last year, the AYF in conjunction with the ACF has worked hard to raise funds for the first phase  of the project, the renovation of the local Gyumri Youth Center.

Through the support of the community, the campaign raised 80 percent of the needed funds, largely due to a $50,000 donation from Hacob and Mina Shirvanian  and was able to begin the renovation process.

The funds raised through this crowd-funding campaign will allow for completion of the Gyumri Youth Center, and will ensure that the Scholarship Fund is in full effect as of Spring 2016.

Source: Asbarez
Link: ‘We Are Gyumri’ Launches Scholarship Fund for Gyumri Residents