Yerevan, Baku Agree to Expand OSCE Chairman-in-Office’s Mission

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A scene from Thursday meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers in Krakow, Poland

A scene from Thursday meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers in Krakow, Poland

KRAKOW, Poland—The foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, during fresh talks on the Karabakh conflict resolution process on Thursday agreed, in principle, to implement a decision on the on the expansion of capabilities of the office of the Personal representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Andrzej Kasprzyk.

The meeting between Edward Nalbandian and Elmar Mammadyarov took place in the Polish city of Krakow. Joining Kasprzyk, were the OSCE Minks Group Co-chairs, Igor Popov of Russia, Stephane Visconti of France, Andrew Schofer of the United States.

Following the meeting in the presence of the co-chairs, the two foreign ministers held a one-on-one meeting and picked up where they had left off in December when they discussed the implementation of the agreements that were reached in 2016 in Vienna and St. Petersburg, after the April War, during which Azerbaijan launched a large-scale attack on all fronts of the Artsakh-Azerbaijan border, known as the line of contact.

According to the press service of the Armenian Foreign Ministry, Nalbandian called on Azerbaijan to abide by the declarations by the Co-Chairs to strictly respect the ceasefire, to implement previously reached agreements, to reiterate the adherence to the principles of the conflict settlement proposed by the Co-Chairs, that can pay the way for the advancement of the negotiation process.

In accordance with an agreement reached at a meeting in Geneva last October between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, the foreign ministers, together with the Co-Chairs, discussed the possibilities of implementation of additional steps for the reduction of tensions in the conflict zone and the intensification of the negotiation process.

Ahead of the meeting with Mammadyarov, Nalbandian met separately with the co-chairs and Kasprzyk

Nalbandian emphasized that Armenia, along with the Co-Chair countries, will continue to seek ways for the implementation of agreements reached at the Vienna, St. Petersburg and Geneva Summits, as well as the proposals of the Co-Chairs aimed at creating conducive conditions for the advancement of the negotiation process, particularly those related to the reduction of tension in the conflict zone, strict adherence to the trilateral ceasefire agreements of 1994-1995, expansion of the monitoring capabilities of the Office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, establishment of a mechanism for investigation of ceasefire violations.

Source: Asbarez
Link: Yerevan, Baku Agree to Expand OSCE Chairman-in-Office’s Mission