BETHESDA, MD – Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ) joined an enthusiastic crowd of more than a hundred Maryland community leaders and activists in a strong show of support for House of Delegates candidate Hrant Jamgochian’s June 17th campaign fundraising kick-off, reported the Armenian National Committee of America – Greater Washington (ANCA-GW).
The reception, graciously hosted by Mrs. Nancy Greenspan at her Bethesda home, was an opportunity for area voters and supporters, including a diverse cross-section of the local Armenian American community, to stand with Jamgochian’s campaign and support Hrant’s positions on a broad range of local and state-wide issues, ranging from health care and education to the environment and economy.
“We’re pleased to see Hrant in the lead as the front-runner in this race, and proud to support his campaign every step to victory,” said ANCA Greater Washington Chairwoman Sevan Kolejian. “We look forward to helping Hrant spread his message to Maryland voters and to playing our part in electing Maryland’s first-ever Armenian American to state-level office.”
Photos from the event can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.506150389453664.1073741826.181565881912118&type=1.
In remarks voicing his support for Hrant’s campaign, Congressman Pallone cited his own long and productive working relationship with him on healthcare issues, saying: “He [Jamgochian] is an extraordinarily respected and strong voice on patients’ rights and works tirelessly in the non-profit sector to advance healthcare rights to the most vulnerable members of our society. As the Ranking Member in the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, I can tell you that Hrant has got it right when it comes to good democratic values and a true commitment when it comes to access affordability and quality of care for all Maryland residents.”
Jamgochian explained, “This election is about values, and communicating those values to our neighbors. We believe in protecting the most vulnerable members of society, in fostering an affordable and accessible educational system, and in an economy where people pay their fair share and we are able to find jobs in the fields we have spent years preparing for.”
On hand to lend their assistance to the Jamgochian campaign that evening were three of this year’s ANCA Leo Sarkisian summer interns: Manoug Alemian, Taleen Lachinian and Tamar Purut. “Hrant’s enthusiasm and commitment to community outreach and empowerment was inspirational,” said Lachinian, who had met Jamgochian and his wife, Lenna, the day before at the Soorp Khatch Armenian Church Father’s Day Picnic. “We need more Armenian Americans in elected office, and it’s encouraging to see dedicated professionals like Hrant devoting their lives to public service.”
To learn more about or to support the Hrant Jamgochian for Maryland State Delegate campaign, visit: http://www.gojamgo.com.
Photo Captions:
Jamgochian_group.jpg: Maryland State Delegate candidate Hrant Jamgochian and Congressional Armenian Caucus CoChair Frank Pallone (D-NJ) were joined by a growing and diverse group of Armenian American and local area voters at the campaign fundraising kick-off hosted by Ms. Nancy Greenspan.
Jamgochian_Pallone_LSI.jpg: MD State Delegate candidate Hrant Jamgochian and Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone Jr. with ANCA Leo Sarkisian Program interns Tamar Purut, Taleen Lachinian and Manoug Alemian, who were on hand to volunteer at the kick-off event.